List of Weird, Unusual, Funny and Strange Phobias : What are you afraid of?

Phobias has been existing from the time we were only children and since then, it never left us. Some would die a natural death and some would persists until we die. Personally, i have always been afraid of heights and that would make me an acrophobic.

There are weird phobias however that just makes me imagine how the people are coping from it. Here are some that i think are interesting:

Amaxophobia : Fear of Riding vehicles or cars. - Well, you missed half of your life.

Angrophobia : Fear of getting angry - I cant imagine them smiling while getting robbed. lol

Ambulophobia : Fear of walking - How do you guys move around? By flying?

Androphobia : Fear of Men - I had a classmate like this one before. I miss you Betty!

Chrometophobia : Fear of Money - This one's definitely not John Chow.

Eurotophobia : Fear of female genitalia - Again, you missed half of your life.

This one's definitely a winner :

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: Fear of long words - Hippo what?

I had fun running through this phobia thing. Hope you all did. For a complete list of phobias, check it out here.

1 comment:

EmilyKate352 said...

Excuse me?
I most certainly CAN lick my elbow.
Oddly enough, i have an unordinary long tongue.
thank you very much. :]

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